Translation and Interpreting Service Interpreting Types

Interpreting types

Interpreting consists of the oral translation of speeches or discourse of speakers. It includes various types: so-called conference interpreting (simultaneous and consecutive), which is mainly aimed at congresses, seminars, or training courses; consecutive, used as a tool for communication in smaller gatherings such as workshops, meetings, or presentations with a very small group of speakers; bilateral interpreting for brief exchanges between speakers (interviews, for example); and whispered interpreting (chuchotage).


This is most commonly used at congresses; it involves technical equipment, both for the interpreter and for the audience. Basic equipment includes the use of interpreting booths, a connection of the booths to the microphones available in the room or at the head table, and the use of wireless receivers to be able to hear the interpreting in the interpreting process’ target language.


In this case, the interpreter takes notes and later reproduces the message. The interventions of the speaker alternate with those of the interpreter in agreed-upon intervals. It can be done at the same place that the person who will be interpreted is speaking. It does not require any type of technical equipment.

Sworn interpreting

This is what is done before a notary, for example, when the parties who are going to grant a notarial instrument do not know the language of the other party or of the notary. This can only be done by interpreters who have been officially appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the exercise of sworn translation or interpreting. It does not require any type of technical equipment.

Chuchotage (whispered interpreting)

This tends to be used in small meetings when the interlocutor does not know the other speaker’s language. It tends to be used in two-person meetings and is aimed at a single receiver (the speaker). It does not require any type of technical equipment.

Bilateral interpreting

Interpreting of brief interventions that is carried out in both directions (direct and inverse) with no note-taking beforehand, as in consecutive interpreting. It does not require any type of technical equipment.



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