XI Research Awards of the University of Málaga-General Foundation of the University of Málaga

XI Research Awards of the University of Málaga-General Foundation of the University of Málaga

With the aim of promoting and encouraging quality research, the University of Málaga and the General Foundation of the University of Málaga invite applications for the XI Research Awards.

The aim of the research awards

The aim of the research awards is to stimulate young people to begin a career in quality research by rewarding the best work published by young researchers at the University of Málaga.

Five awards were created to acknowledge and encourage the creative and research work carried out by young researchers:

  1. The “Margarita Salas Falgueras” award recognises work published in the fields of Experimental Sciences.
  2. The “Kjell Fuxe” award recognises work published in the fields of Health Sciences.
  3. The “Eduardo García de Enterría” award recognises work published in the fields of Social and Legal Sciences.
  4. The “María Victoria Atencia García” award recognises work published in the fields of the Arts and Humanities.
  5. The “Kazuyo Sejima” award recognises work published in the fields of Engineering and Architecture.

€10,000 has been allocated for the awards, with €2,000 given to each of the five categories. A diploma will also be awarded to each of the prize winners.

Deadlines. Documents to be submitted

The deadline for submitting applications is from 3 March to 16 April, 2021. Applications and submission of the appropriate documents must be made via the requests manager of the Research Service of the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Transfer of the UMA at the following link https://dj.uma.es/vrinvestigacion. Select “XI Premios de Investigación de la Universidad de Málaga-Fundación General de la Universidad de Málaga”  Applicants must also select the award in which they wish to participate.

Rules and more information


Email: proyectos@fguma.es
Tel.: 951 952 643

X Research Awards