TRAINING Preparation Courses for admission to the UMA for over-25s and over-45s (Admission for over-25s)

University Entrance Exam for over-25s

1. General Part

This part consists of the following tests:

  • Text analysis
  • Spanish language
  • Translation of a text in a foreign language (English, French)

2. Specific Part

Students must choose one of the five areas of knowledge. Exams are taken in two of the subjects in the chosen area:

  • Arts and Humanities: General History and Art History, Geography, Universal Literature
  • Sciences: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology
  • Health Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics
  • Social and Legal Sciences: Business Economics, Geography, Mathematics applied to Social Sciences
  • Engineering and Architecture: Mathematics, Physics

Students should choose the branch of knowledge containing the subjects most suitable for the degree they want to take.

Degrees linked to each area of knowledge