CEIT María Zambrano Centre for Transatlantic Studies UMA-ATECH

María Zambrano Centre for Transatlantic Studies UMA-ATECH

Founded in 2103, the María Zambrano Centre for Transatlantic Studies (AMZET) of the University of Málaga is an academic, inter-university and multidisciplinary initiative which arose from the need to create links for collaboration and knowledge transfer among the different countries that make up the Atlantic sphere. Its main objective is the creation of an academic and scientific framework around comparative transatlantic studies, whose central axis is the European-North American-South American region, and which serves as a dynamic space for dialogue as well as cultural, social, political and economic exchanges. AMZET is currently part of the Centre for Ibero-American and Transatlantic Studies (CEIT).

Main activities

Research Diffusion, dissemination and transfer of knowledge Training
International Workshop on Ibero-American and Transatlantic Studies TSN Magazine Own degree in Ibero-American and Transatlantic Studies
Support for research groups Latin American Studies Collection Specialised workshops
Research stays Transatlantic Tribunes
Research awards Other activities and collaborations


Link to the AMZET website