IX Environmental Photography Prize

IX Environmental Photography Prize

Given the exceptional circumstances caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the ninth call for the Environmental Photography Prize is a special edition entitled ‘Nature at Home.’

All those who would like to take part are invited to send photographs of nature taken from their homes. These could be of outdoor views seen from the home or of elements of nature that can be found inside the home. Only one photograph per participant will be accepted.

The competition aims to reflect our new reality and to recognise and appreciate creativity through photography.

Registration period: 28 April – 28 May 2020


First Prize: Viviana Winkler
People’s Choice Prize: José Antonio Maldonado
Greenpeace Prize: Adolfo Martínez

– First Prize: €400.
– People’s Choice Prize*: €150.
– Greenpeace Prize, the winner will receive products from the organisation and a FGUMA course.

*The People’s Choice Prize will be given to the photograph that receives the most votes on the General Foundation of the University of Málaga’s Facebook profile between 4 – 18 June 2020.


  • Mamen Borrego. Greenpeace Málaga. (Chairperson)
  • Vicente Martínez. Director of the Centre for Image Technology at the University of Málaga.
  • Carlos Moncada. Head of Communication of Málaga Provincial Council’s Environment and Territorial Promotion Committee.
  • Eva Rodríguez Muñoz. Greenglobe. Sustainability and Environmental Projects.
  • Juan Quesada. Member of the Grupo Fotográfico Aula 7.

See competition rules


First prize

Photography: CATier Bresson
Author: Viviana Winkler Ojeda

Primer premio de Fotografía Medioambiental FGUMA 2020

Public prize

Out of a total of 6371 votes cast, the “public prize” is awarded with 1126 votes to:

Photography: Primavera confinada
Author: José Antonio Maldonado Moreno

Primer del público de Fotografía Medioambiental FGUMA 2020

Greenpeace prize

Photography: La vida suspendida
Author: Adolfo Martínez Orellana

Primer Greenpeace de Fotografía Medioambiental FGUMA 2020

The 15 finalist photographs have been:

1. CATier Bresson
2. Un pequeño rincón de casa
3. Entre nostalgia y recuerdos
4. Pajareando en casa
5. Carpe Diem
6. Atún desde casa
7. Tedio
8. Crecer más, conocerse mejor
9. Bota con moho
10. Peces de ciudad
11. Un respiro de la tierra
12. Coexistiendo con humanos
13. Vida
14. El visitante
15. Me siento viva

In this edition, 277 people have finally participated.


Email: premiosfotografia@fguma.es
Telephone: (+34) 639 93 46 11 (9.00 to 14.00)

Envirnonmental Photography Prize 2019