Recommendations for Covid-19 coronavirus disease

In view of the situation regarding coronavirus (COVID-19), we would like to send a message of calm to all FGUMA employees and the academic community to which we are linked. This is also to inform about the actions that have been taken to evaluate the situation, and the measures in place to confront any further possible development.

The FGUMA has created a commission to monitor the situation. The commission is in continuous contact with the UMA and with the health authorities (the Ministry of Health and Families of the Regional Government of Andalusia, and, especially, the Spanish Ministry of Health).

In this regard, any development that may occur concerning coronavirus disease, will be managed in a coordinated and rational manner, and, after evaluating the situation, any measures considered necessary will be implemented.

Information regarding developments in this matter will be sent through the different communication channels.

Preventive Measures and Useful Links

It is recommended that the entire FGUMA community follow the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health on preventive methods, The Ministry of Health also issues information regarding areas of risk, and, especially, recommendations for people arriving in Spain from these areas.

All this information, together with daily updates, can be found on the the Ministry of Health website.

We would advise the entire FGUMA community to read these guidelines, which contain important information on health and preventive measures, as well as the ways to confront any specific situation that may occur.

We would also advise reading the basic recommendations the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued on the outbreak of coronavirus COVID-19, and which can be found on this link.

The Directorate of the FGUMA will keep you informed regarding any further preventive measures it considers necessary to undertake.