CAMBRIDGE Assessment English Enrolment procedure

Enrolment procedure

Cambridge exams enrolment procedure


Remember that the oral part (Speaking) will not be held on the same date as the written part.

You should add the following email addresses to your safe list to avoid emails going to your spam folder:

It is the candidate’s responsibility to call our offices on (+34) 951 952 698 / 641 199 246 if they have not received information about the oral exam 10 days before the date of the written exam.

The date of the speaking exam will be assigned by the FGUMA. Under no circumstances may candidates choose the date or their partner. Taking mobile phones or electronic devices into the exam is strictly prohibited. Anyone who fails to comply with this rule may be disqualified. For this reason, we advise you not to take them. If you do, they must be deposited in a designated place for the entire exam. The organisation will not be held liable for any loss or damage of mobile phones or devices.