DIALOGUE on how to turn your personal dramas into a beautiful story, with Raquel Haro

“My name is Raquel Haro. I´m a scriptwriter for El Intermedio and mother of a four-year-old boy. Since a few months ago I can no longer talk about my boobs in plural, a tragedy for a flirty girl like me. 2020 was a hard year for everyone and even worse for me. On top of the pandemic, the lockdown, the divorce and the custody battle for my son, I was faced with a breast tumour, well actually three. I suddenly had too many things to take on: that I was going to lose a year of my life, that I was going to be unable to have more children and, above all, that I was going to lose my gorgeous hair, which was a terrible thing because I had just had my keratin straightening treatment!”

As a result of her cancer, Raquel Haro created a blog, «Me falta una teta», which went viral and has now been turned into a beautiful book with the same title. The author gives us a master class on how to go through one of the darkest journeys in life without losing hope or a sense of humour. She talks openly and undramatically about illness, about parenting and about friendship. With her story you will suffer when she describes how some kids in the park take her wig off, you will get pissed off when her ex-husband´s lawyer uses her cancer to label her a “bad mother”, and you will also blush every time she is sexting with her Tinder hook-ups, during chemo sessions.

Date: 17 February 2022
Place: Salón de Actos de la Facultad de Psicología y Logopedia (Campus de Teatinos)

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